组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

    World Elephant Day is the perfect time to find out more about these amazing animals and what we can do to preserve them so they do not go the way of the mammoth(猛犸象).

    World Elephant Day was created in 2011 by two Canadian filmmakers Patricia Sims and Thailand's Elephant Reintroduction Foundation and was first celebrated on August 12, 2012. They made the documentaryReturn to the Forest, a fascinating 30 minute film about the reintroduction of caught Asian elephants to the wild.

    Currently, the demand for ivory(象牙)is becoming bigger and bigger, whose price is higher than that of gold, making elephants bigger targets than ever. Habitation loss is also a danger to the world's elephant population as it robs elephants of the hundreds of pounds of food they need every day, making it more difficult for them to breed and making it easier for hunters to track them down. Circuses and tourism are also serious threats to the animals' well-being.

    The best way to celebrate this day is to take the opportunity to educate yourself about these magnificent(巨大的)mammals and share your knowledge with others. As ever, simply spreading the word about the dangers these magnificent mammals face via social media can actually make a real change. Expose that “training” elephants often involves tying and beating them daily for months on end. If you want to get a bit more involved, you could choose to make a donation to a foundation dedicated to protecting elephants from hunters or relocating them to locations better suited to their needs.

    Whichever way suits you best, make sure that you spend this day in a way that helps elephants all over the world, so we, in turn, can continue to wonder at them and their uniquely fascinating way of life.
