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                                                                                     How to Forgive Yourself

    Kelly came home fired and discouraged from her job. She started yelling at everyone in the house. When she calmed down, she started to feel guilty and wanted her family to forgive her.

    Does this story sound familiar? What about you?

    We sometimes make some mistakes.When you hurt someone and start feeling guilty, the first thing yon need to do is forgive yourself before you ask others to forgive you. Whether you screamed at your child, hurt your partner or lied to your friend, it is necessary to forgive yourself for your benefit.

    To learn how to forgive yourself, follow the guide below:

    ◆ If it is something simple such as screaming at your child or your partner, then work on understanding yourself and emotions. It is also necessary to understand why you took this action for which you have to forgive yourself now.

    ◆After you have known about your mistake, you need to learn your lesson from it, so you won't repent it. Ask yourself, what can you learn from what you have done?

    ◆Realize that you are a human and everyone makes mistakes or does things they are not proud of. All it will do is to cause you pain, sorrow, stress, and could lead you into low spirits. Therefore, it is better to make a decision to forgive yourself.

    Always remember the saying, "We achieve inner health only through forgiveness, the forgiveness not only of others but also of ourselves.”

A. Recognize your behavior and what you have done

D. It is of great help if you just ignore what led to the situation

C. If you stay upset and angry at yourself, this will not benefit you.

D. Have you done something you feel you can't forgive yourself for?

F. Do you hate yourself so much that you feel life is corning to an end?

F. We also hurt others intentionally and unintentionally now and then.

G. Do you have to change some habits or behavior to avoid such experiences?
