组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

    These days,upcycling(升级改造)is popular with people.They 1 something unique from existing materials rather than buy more.My granny,Bobo has spent 92 years doing just that out of necessity.

    Wasting time and resources was 2 an option in the world she grew up in.With seven children to 3she lived a hard and economical life.Bobo has been upcycling 4 the day Great-Granny Annie put a needle in her hand and taught her how to give new 5 to every fabric(织物)in their farmhouse.

    Just like Bobo,my mother,Cindy6making her clothes.She7 her homecoming dress and bought the fabric with money she earned8 at the can factory.One generation passed on to the next the 9of creating something beautiful and useful by hand.

    Granny's and Mom's sewing skills meant that no matter the budget,Christmas,birthday,and wedding gifts were 10From a baby blanket to a bib(围嘴),each treasure 11a special quality of personalization.In my home I am 12 by upcycling at its best.

    Thanks to Bobo's13 ways,the artistry of handwork lives on in four 14 of crafters.Granny Bobo lived it.Mom carried it on.I am picking it up by listening and 15Now my daughter,Greta,is also learning to use those 16.

    I sit and watch 17 as Bobo's hands weave needle and thread.In 92 years,her hands have known and 18 life,home and family.Age has brought the19 of some memories.But if you listen to her stories while she20you'll journey back to the old farm with her.
