组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Wang Ruixu, a CEO born in the 1990s, has got tons of attention since Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang met with him in Zhongnanhai, Beijing. On Feb. 7th, 2015, he returnedhis mother school. Shantou Overseas Middle School, and madespeech about his experience. Wang said," What leads to success is sticking to your dreambeing thankful."

    In his third year at university, Wangup a company and developed a mobile app which offered part-time job information to university students.

    To everyone's surprise, Wang once lostin computer games. Unluckily, his parents' factory closed down at that time. To make things worse, he scored only 280 on the high school entrance examination.he received a hard  slap(耳光)from his mother because of that, he started to realizesad and helpless his mother was! Later he studied hard and got into a key university.

    Wang strongly believes it's important to keep a dream in your mind and to it. Now he isof himself because most of his dreams have come true. During his speech, he expressed histo the teachers who once helped him a lot and he encouraged the students to work harder in the future.
