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    Once upon a time, there lived a kind king. But the king was also very1. He would not do anything other than eat and sleep. He became fatter and fatter, and finally found it difficult to move his2– even his feet.

    The king invited doctors from different parts of his country to make him3. But no one could help the king lose weight.

    One day, an old man visited the country. He heard about the king's4. He volunteered (自愿) to help the king lose some weight. The king decided to let him5.

    The old man lived6. He said that the king had to come to him and asked the king to come for treatment the next day. But the king would have to7there, the old man added.

    The king came the next day.8, the old man was not there. His son asked the king to come and meet his father the next day.

    The king came every day for two weeks, but he never once saw the old man. But he did notice that he felt a lot9. He had lost some weight. He finally realized why the old man had asked him to walk so far.
