组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库


    Atlantic puffins(角嘴海雀)are specially used to living on the open sea. Their feathers allow them to stay warm as they float at the ocean's surface or swim underwater. Diving as deep as 60m, they swim by flapping their wings as if flying through the water. There, they hunt herring, capelin, and sand eels.

    Atlantic puffins are also excellent fliers. Flapping their wings at up to 400 beats per minute, puffins can reach speeds of 88km/h.

    April to mid-August is the breeding season for puffins. When a puffin is around three to five years old, it will choose a partner at sea to mate with for life. It is thought that the birds' colourful bills and feet, which fade in the winter and brighten in the spring, help puffins find their potential(可能的)mates.

    Puffins create shelter(庇护所), about 90cm, in rocky cliffs either in the soil or between rocks. Often, couples will return to the same shelter year after year. At the back of the shelter, they build a nest lined with grasses, seaweed, and feathers. After the female lays a single egg, both parents take turns incubating(孵化)the egg for about 40 days.

    Once the chick hatches, the mother and father will take turns bringing it fish to eat several times a day. Atlantic puffins have the ability to carry several fish in their beaks at one time. The ridges(脊)at the top of their bill hold the fish in place, which allows puffins to keep their mouth open to catch more fish without losing any. In general, they can hold around ten fish in their beak at one time.

    In the wild, puffins can live around 20 years. Their main predator is the great black-backed gull, which can capture a puffin mid-flight or attack a puffin on the ground. Gulls are also a threat because they steal puffins' fish (sometimes right from their mouths), and they pull puffin chicks or eggs from their nests.
