组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    There are almost as many ways to write as there are kinds of texts. Some writers cannot produce a word unless they are poised behind a desk, while others prefer to write sitting outdoors or in noisy restaurants. Some writers create an entire work before going back to read what they have written, while others may rewrite a single paragraph many times before moving on. Individual writers' techniques may be different, but successful writers do have one thing in common: the writing process(步骤). The writing process is made up of four stages, and each stage involves certain activities. The chart below summarizes what happens during each stage of the writing process.

What You Do During the Writing Process


●Choose your topic

●Identify your purpose and audience, and select a writing form appropriate to

hat purpose and audience

●Generate ideas and gather information about the topic

●Begin to organize the in formation

●Decide the main point you want to express


a Draft(草稿)

●Catch your readers' attention in the introduction

●Provide background information.

●State your main Points. your support, and your elaboration of them

●Follow a plan of organization.

●Wrap up with a conclusion.


●Evaluate your draft

●Revise the draft to improve its content, organization, and style.


●Proofread, or edit your final draft.

●Publishing O Publish, or share your finished writing with readers.

●Reflect on your writing experience
