组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Have you heard about "Face Recognition (刷脸)" technology? It begins to become a popular and exciting development in China. In September 2017, a Kentucky Fried Chicken KPRO restaurant in Hangzhou utilized (利用) this new technology.

    Customers will go through the buffet (自助餐) line and then check out with their food using this "Just look with your face" payment method. When they get to the payment machine, they simply choose the Payment of facial recognition and then stand in front of the screen for 1-2 seconds. They then confirm their account and phone number and finish the payment process—all ofittakes no more than 10 seconds!

    Nowadays, the words "Face Recognition" have become popular around China with the development of the ability to pay with facial recognition. Here are several examples of how you might hear the words in daily life in China. In Hangzhou, a high school provides a service where students can pay for meals by facial recognition. However, this isn't the only way we use the words in China! When you combine these characters together you also get another meaning: Jackie Chan got a dinner for free by "brushing his face".

    Do you know more about other meanings of "Face Recognition"? Please tell me more about it by sending an email to Susan2018@126.com or call me at 8524689. We'll talk about the topic next time.
