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    Jeremy Lin, a basketball player for the New York Knicks, was only a bench(板凳)warmer in the USA. On February 4th, 2012. Knicks'(教练), Mike D'Antoni, put Jeremy Lin into the game(对)the New Jeremy Nets. Lin got 25(分数)in 36 minutes. The Knicks won the game. From then on, Lin became an important player in the(团队). Before Jeremy Lin showed himself to the world, he had sat on the bench for 21 games. When he got the(机会), he did his best to do that. In fact, Lin is also good at studying. He graduated (毕业)from Harvard University.

    Now he is a very popular player in NBA. He still(训练)hard. Lin was born and grow up in the USA. Both his parents were born and grew up in China and moved to the USA in the 1970s. A lot of people get(兴奋的)about watching his basketball games and (为……加油)him on(大声地). Jeremy Lin shows the world that a great basketball player can be smart, friendly, and at the same time(优秀的)
