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    Oliver Twist is one of themorefamous storiesforCharles Dickens. Set in the nineteenth century, it is about a boycallingOliver who finds himself alone in the world. He lives in a special house for poor people and always hasaempty stomach. One day, he asks for more food and gets into trouble!

    Later, Oliver runs away to London. There he meets some boys who steal money and other things. They teach Oliverstealtoo, though Oliver does not want to because he is a good child. After many difficulties, Oliver istookhome by a kind old man. In the end, Oliver discovers that the kind man is a relative, and he goes to live with him in the city.

    There are many reasons why Oliver Twist issoa popular story. Therearealso a lot of action in the book, and it is also very humorous.

    The writer was also very good atwriteabout theevery daylives of poor children in London in the nineteenth century — his book made people care more about the problems of poor children.
