组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    May 12th, 2018 is the 10th anniversary of Wenchuan Earthquake. Many of us may have remembered what happened on May 12th, 2008. The devastating 7.9 magnitude Sichuan earthquake which killed about 90, 000 people in western China. It has been concerned(担忧) widely about what we can do when we encounter(遭遇) certain accidents. Therefore, how to deal with accidents in our daily life?

    Earthquake is the first thing that I am going to talk about. Firstly, you need to rush to open space quickly if you are in a lower floor. Meanwhile, you should avoid trees or wires around you. On the contrary (相反), you need to stay in a corner which seems firm if you are in a higher building.You should keep your body safe and wait for others to help you.

    When it comes to fire, you need to distinguish the root of the fire and find out security exits.Then you should crawl (爬行)on the floor. Do not use elevators or any electronic equipments.

    Another accident is drowning. Every summer, about 5, 000 kids die because of swimming alone in the river or the lake. Experts say that we have the more possibilities of drowning if we struggle as possible as we can. So what we should do is: “” The summer holiday is coming. My dear friend, take care of yourself.

    In a word, all kinds of accidents will happen in our daily life.We should believe that the rate of danger can be minimized(机会少)and we can not only get a chance to save ourselves but also help more others if we learn about how to deal with them in the first place.

A. The most necessary thing is to keep calm and find the exact way

B. Do not be a jumper!

C. To take a deep breath, lie on the water and wait for others to save us.

D. The best way is to cover your nose and mouth with a wet towel.
