组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Having good manners(礼节)is an important part of life. You know that you should never shout in public(公共场合). But what about when it comes to the online world? When you use social media apps(社交媒体应用), like WeChat and Sina Weibo, you must also remember to mind your manners.

    For example, sometimes I need to add a new friend on WeChat. But I haven't met him or her yet in real life. So when I send them a friend request(请求), I tell them clearly who I am and how I got their contact info(联系方式).

    Just like in real life, the key to keeping good manners online is to be thoughtful. But sometimes, people forget this.

    One of my friends likes to send really long voice messages on WeChat. It is difficult to keep up with all his messages and remember everything. I think this is a bit bad!

    There are many other things that you shouldn't do on social media. Take a look and remember to do your best to be polite.

    Don't share your friends' WeChat contact info with people you don't know. Ask your friend first before sharing.

    Don't add someone new to your group chat without asking the other members. They might not want new people to join the group.

    If you use English, don't use all caps. IF YOU WRITE LIKE THIS, IT LOOKS LIKE YOU'RE SCREAMING. DON'T DO IT.
