组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Jack is a good boy and he is very (感兴趣的)in sports. (然而), he was not at school today. He was in hospital. A serious(严重的)(事故)happened to him today.

    His home is (近的)to school so he rides his bike to school every morning. It was (拥挤的)on the road this morning. While he was turning right at a crossing, a car ran there and hit him. He (跌倒)off the bike and lay on the (地面). The driver got out of the car and sent Jack to the hospital quickly. The doctor said that Jack's head was(受伤) seriously so he should stay in hospital for some days.

In our everyday life, we should (保护)ourselves from (危险)while going to school. We must follow the traffic rules. When we want to turn around, we must look around first. At the same time, we'd better wear helmets(头盔).
