组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    It was sunny yesterday afternoon. While I was sitting in the park, there was an old man1 walking around. I heard him telling people that he was 2  and couldn't find the way back home. He looked3 , but nobody helped him. After watching and 4 for a few minutes, I walked up to him and asked him his 5  . He said he was called Ray.  I asked him    how long he had been6 and he said he had been outside for hours. I asked him if he needed something to 7  and he said yes. So I ran to buy 8  a cup of coffee and called the police. Then I asked him to 9  me in the park so that he could sit down on the benches(长椅).

    In fact, his 10had called the police too. So I told the old man that I was going to 11 with him until his daughter arrived. The old man's eyes became12 and watery after hearing what I said. We sat on the benches quietly and just enjoyed the13 sunshine. Then his daughter came. She had tears in her eyes and thanked me for my14 .

    I was so happy at that time because I had done the  15thing. It is truly better to give than to receive.
