组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    A man asked his friends one evening, "What's the most beautiful  1in the world?" "The sound of bird  2?" one of his friends said.

    "No, it's the sound of a piano." the 3one said. "No, no," the third said. "It's the sound of a guitar." The three friends 4. Soon they were shouting.

    "Stop! Stop!" the man cried out. "You'll never 5each other this way. Come to dinner next week. I'll help you agree on what's the most beautiful sound in the world."

    A week later, the man's three friends came to his house. They were looking forward to (期待) a good dinner, 6the table was empty. Time passed and still there was no  7.

    At last, it was midnight. The man's friends were very 8 but they were too polite(礼貌的)to say 9. Then, as they were standing up to leave, they heard the "click, click" of dishes. A servant came in and put the dishes of food on the table.

    Soon they were all enjoying a fine meal. "Tell me now." the man said  10with a smile, "What is the most beautiful sound in the world?" And this time they all gave the same answer.
