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日期: 2024-05-31
完型填空(本题有 15 小题, 每小题1 分, 共 15分)
 阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从每小题所给的 A、 B、 C、 D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

Today, as I was shopping at Woolworths, a kind worker surprised me with a beautiful bunch of flowers. It was an unexpected act of 1 that showed me the power of simple words. 

2 years earlier, I was going through chemo treatment and felt 3 and down. My husband and children were also bearing a lot. They were busy on weekdays, 4 I always stayed at home alone. One thing I could do to help was to order things for daily use online 5 click-and-collect services. Before checking out, I would 6 notes for

the person who packed our order-things like "Hope you're having a good day!"or"Thank you for your

hard work. "

Fast forward to today, and I found myself7 with one of the workers who had8 our orders in the past. I walked up to her and said, "Thank you so much for what you did!You usually did our orders. You guys are fantastic!" She stopped for a(an)9 and then asked my name. When I told her, she said, "Oh, you are the lady who wrote notes for10 !" She told me that those little notes truly made their day bright, especially during the11 times of the epidemic. It was surprising to hear that such12 acts of kindness could make such a big difference.

After finishing my shopping, she came 13 up to me with a bunch of flowers, thanking me for brightening their day with my kind words. I 14 thought that my simple acts could make a world of difference in someone's day. Even 15 as simple as saying thank you or leaving a kind note can lift someone's spirits. Three years has passed and it still makes them feel valued and thankful. 

 阅读理解,阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。(本题有15小题。第31-33每小题1分;第34-44每小题2分;第45小题5分。共30分)

Recently, an online poll was held to choose the New Seven Wonders of the World. Over 100 million people voted. Here are four of the seven winners. 

Chichen Itza,Mexico

This was an important city for the Mayans. It was built between about 700 CE* and 1000CE. A symbol of Mayan culture, it was a centre for business in things like cloth, honey and salt. Most photographs show a 24-metre high pyramid. It's amazing for tourists to see it in person. 

Christ the Redeemer statue,Brazil

Built between 1922 and 1931, the statue has become a well-known sight of Brazil. The statue is about thirty metres high and the arms measure 28 metres end to end. Designed* by a Frenchman and built by a local artist, it attracts thousands of visitors every year. 

The Colosseum,Italy

This famous amphitheatre*, built between 70 CE and 80 CE, was used by the Romans for about 500 years for all kinds of public performances. Now it is almost a complete ruin, as a result of earthquakes and the passage of time, but some parts can be visited. The Colosseum has become one of the most famous buildings of Italy. 

The Great Wall,China

This amazing structure was built over a period of more than two thousand years, ending in the 16th century. It was built in order to keep out the enemies of Mongolia on the other side. The Great Wall is not actually just one continuous wall, but a succession of many different ones. At around 6, 500 kilometres, it's one of the longest man-made wonders on the planet. 


"Am I an‘I'person or an ‘E'person?" It is a popular topic among young people around China today. Many people are crazy about it so that they take a personality*test named Myers-Briggs test to find out the answer.

Many people find the MBTI(Myers-Briggs Test Indicator) useful. It groups people into 16 types*, which start with the letter"I"or"E", such as"ENTJ, "INFP or more. "E"is short for"Extroversion"while"I"is for"Introversion". "I'm an‘E'person. I should go to the party and make more friends. ""I'm an‘I'person. I'd like to work by myself. I could be a writer in the future. "They believe different types can help them make decisions* for activities, jobs or even life

choices more quickly. 

But there are also problems. Some people take the test for a second time and get different results. Some people find it hard to answer some questions. "I like watching TV by myself. But I also enjoy playing with friends. Am I an ‘I'or an‘E'?"

When you take a personality test, you may think, "Oh, that's me. " That's because the descriptions aregeneric. They can be used to describe many people. Research has found that over 50% of people get a different score when they retook the MBTI just five weeks later. Personalities can change with time, and they are not black-or-white, scientists say. You may be introverted now but become extroverted when you get older. Or, you can be both an"I"and an"E". Don't label yourself! Studies have also shown that the test is not real at telling people's success in different jobs. So, don't take it too seriously.


In a world where technology*is king, it is getting more and more difficult to keep up with the‘R's——VR, AR, MR, (iPhone) XR and the list goes on.

Many people have trouble telling the differences between augmented reality(AR) and virtual reality (VR). AR and VR mean that we experience something that isn't there, but it feels like it is. As a result, it is easy for users to be blown away and wonder what is real and what is not. In short, at the heart of AR and VR are two very similar technologies. Both offer experiences to users, most widely used in areas such as online shopping and as part of psychological*treatments. 

 ▲  The main difference lies in the way of transport. Simply put, VR ‘transports'the user to another world instead of the real one. It uses computer technology to create a 3D environment. Users not only view a screen in front of them, but also use as many senses as possible, such as vision, hearing, touch, even smell. VR is used widely in many theme parks, like Disneyland. Imagine opening your eyes and seeing a new world created by the computer all around you; you can move in this environment and even communicate with it. That's what VR is like. For example, VR has the power to make users feel as if they are falling. So sometimes while playing games, users become nervous and even scared.

AR, does not shut out the real world, but adds digital graphics* to a live view often by using the camera on a smartphone. Users would not be‘transported*'to another world but instead, they would see graphics created by computers with what they see in real life. AR makes it possible to create many interesting apps, such as the navigation*. It does not, change the whole view of what users see, unlike VR.

Thanks to new technology and successful games, AR and VR users already have a lot of choices. AR and VR are both powerful technologies which are still relatively new to many users. However, they have already begun to shake things up in the gaming world. The worlds of AR and VR aren't just here;they're getting bigger and better by the day. 


Jack looked a little uncomfortable, but he lifted up his eyes and looked into Charles's worried face and began, "APM is something that tastes sweet". Jack could see Charles nodding his head and smiling widely. "In carefully measured amounts*, it can make a person prefer one kind of drink over another. . . "

"Hey, Jack!"Charles cried out. "That's amazing! Just what we wanted!"

"I haven't finished, Charles…"

Charles apologized, still nodding his head, and Jack continued. 

"However, if we put too much APM into a product, people will want the product so much that it becomes really dangerous. It is harmful to people's health. People will have a headache and their memory will get worse and worse. " For a moment, Charles stopped smiling. "So what you're saying is:if we add too much APM to something, it's going to make it dangerous?"

"That's right. "

"But, if the amounts are right, we can use APM safely. Right?"

"Well, yes, but . . . "

"No problem then!'Charles laughed. 'I'm sure it'll be perfectly OK, Jack. I'll make sure everyone understands. "

"No, Charles, "Jack said, more impatiently this time. "Let me explain. I've been doing some thinking about this lately …"

"You certainly have, Mr Clever!"said Charles. "We're going to make millions of dollars on this one. Jack, Millions!"

"Charles!"Jack raised his voice. "Let me explain more clearly. APM is dangerous!If it is used in the wrong amounts. It can make people crazy. . . crazy with a need for. . . for anything they eat or drink. "

"Well, "Charles replied, more calmly now, "I understand it now, Jack. We have to be careful with these things. "

"At first, "Jack said, "I was excited by the idea of helping people to eat good food. There are too many sick people these days. I wanted to help with the problems. "

"Oh, yes!"Charles said. "Of course!"

"Yes, well", Jack replied, "I realize now that I was playing with fire. It'll be better if people put away the research and forget about it. It's too dangerous and just too . . . too wrong. You can see that now, can't you, Charles?"

词汇运用(本题有 15个小题,每小题1分,共 15 分)
 B. 根据短文内容和中文提示,用单词的正确形式填空。

What will happen if a family is without the Internet for a month? One American family decides to find out, they have sent an invitation to a leading US television station, expecting that it will send a film group to record their day-to-day life without technology for at  (至少) a month. 

When the film group meet the Smiths, they find that Mr Smith, Mrs Smith and their  (两个) sons are so crazy about technology that they find difficulties in doing things together. At mealtimes, no one sits at the dining table for their food. "Everyone just goes  (往下楼;在楼下) runs into the kitchen, takes their  (盘, 碗) of food and then goes back to their screen. "Mrs Smith explains, "Technology has  (控制) our life. If we are  (不能够的) to make a change, our family will become strangers to each other!" Getting back to the normal life without the Internet is not easy, especially when the Smiths lose themselves in it. They have to make many changes. For example, the two brothers have to go to the school library (借) books for their scientific projects, and Mr and Mrs Smith need to go out shopping because they cannot buy things online.  (自从) the family picked up the new lifestyle, they have found that they can spend more time talking over meals, playing sports and doing all (种类) of activities together. They  (做成;设法完成) to do it. Would they be able to go for long without using the Internet after the challenge?

语法填空(本题有 10个小题,每小题1分,共 10分)
书面表达(本题有 1小题,共20分)