In one country, a poor man told the king, "My daughter can make straw (稻草) into gold." The king called the girl to the palace (宫殿) and kept her in a tower, saying, "Make all this straw into gold or I'll keep you in the tower forever."
The girl started to cry. She couldn't make straw into gold. Suddenly, an ugly imp (小精灵) appeared. "I can help you to turn straw into gold," he said. "Give me all your money and I'll do it for you." The girl gave him all her money and the imp changed the straw into gold.
The next day, the girl thought,"I'm going to be free now," but the same thing happened. This time, the imp helped her and took the girl's ring. On the third night, the girl had nothing to offer him. Finally, thinking she was never going to be free, the girl agreed to give him her first child. The next day, the king was happy with the gold. He married the girl and made her queen.
Some time later, the queen had a baby. The imp appeared, and the queen didn't want to offer him her child but all of her treasure.
However, the imp said, "I will give you a chance. If you can guess my name in three days, you can keep your child."
The queen sent people out to collect everybody's names. She guessed hundreds of names but failed. Finally, one man found the imp's house. lie listened to the imp singing his name ...
When the imp came back to the palace, the queen asked, 4<Is your name Frederick? Benedict?…Archibald?" Then she had one more guess, "Is your name RumpelstiUskin?"
The angry imp ran away ... and they never heard from him or saw him again.