组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-09-27
第一部分,听力,第一节,听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(共5 小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
第一部分,听力,第二节,听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(共15 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分22.5 分)
第二部分,阅读,第一节,阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。(共15 小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)

There are many amazing trails(路线) around the world that allow us to get close to nature. We will introduce four of the best hiking trails in the world here.

The Inca Trail, Peru

The Inca Trail to Macchu Picchu is considered one of the greatest hikes in South America. The Inca Trail is a guided three-day trip in Peru. The views of snowy mountain tops, great rivers, and cloud forests there are unforgettable. It also offers a chance to learn the rich history of the Inca empire in Peru.

The Dingle Way, Ireland

If you want to experience the beauty of Ireland, the Dingle Way trail is a great choice.

This trail can be completed in about eight days. Starting in the town of Tralee, the path follows narrow roads and offers great views of Inch Strand, a beautiful sandy beach.

Monteverde Cloud Forest, Costa Rica

It is known for its wide variety of creatures, which will make you have the chance to see the unique birds, bats and bears up close with a six-day hike. The high cloud forest with amazing plants is the perfect place to explore the trail. It has a series of well-marked paths that are great for an easy walk.

Armenia & the Silk Road

Armenia is known for its beautiful natural landscapes, and the best way to explore them is on foot. The Armenia & the Silk Road trip is an eleven-day adventure that takes you through some of the country's most beautiful routes.


Isabella was born in Liverpool, the UK. Several years ago, she opened a restaurant in London. Her restaurant is known for its delicious food and good service, making it one of the most popular restaurants in the area. She believes in honesty and runs her restaurant with it. She firmly believes that there are honest people everywhere.

One busy weekend, there were so many customers that she and the employees were very busy. Luckily, everything was going well. At noon, a young couple came and told a waiter that they'd like to be served quickly. After the fast but delightful meal, the couple gave their credit card over to pay the bill. They were told to pay £ 20. To their surprise, they could only pay in cash. Obviously, the couple became anxious. When they were about to say something, the waiter was asked to another table to take orders.

When the waiter came back to the table again, he found the couple had gone missing without paying for their food. Learning this, Isabella was quite angry. It was the first time that she had met this. She couldn't understand their behaviour and even began to doubt her belief. However, Isabella still hoped that the couple would return. Nothing happened.

Ten days later, Isabella was surprised to receive a package. In the package were £ 30and a box of chocolates, with a note saying, "We sincerely apologize for our leaving without paying for the food that day, because we didn't have cash and had to catch the train. We sent the money and the gift to you, expecting your forgiveness!" Surprised but moved, Isabella smiled.


A lot is unknown about how babies begin to connect names with objects in their environments. A study by Indiana University researchers offered a fresh view on how babies get this in human development. Before they can speak, babies between the ages of 7 and 11months have this ability.

To carry out their study, Smith and Clerkin made a list of objects and the heard names of objects as they appeared in babies' daily lives. They then considered how these experiences influence babies' memory(记忆) systems.

`"When scientists think about how babies manage to learn words, they've traditionally focused on the development of babies' learning abilities," Smith said. "This is not wrong. But if you pay more attention to the babies' learning environments, you see their learning tasks and abilities differently. We need to study these learning environments because that will tell us more about what children need to learn a word."

A full understanding of the learning environments could make researchers and doctors develop useful methods to deal with children who are considered "late talkers". The environments can be changed to help children who are learning a language more slowly than others.

"The idea is that over long periods of time, the memory for visual objects is being built up slowly in the brain," Clerkin said. "When a word is spoken at a certain moment and the related memory is reactivated (激活) to the name, the babies can make a connection rapidly."


Young children are always growing bigger than their shoes, which create s a lot of waste. However, a company, Woolybubs, came up with new shoes that don't get thrown away when they no longer fit the owners; they get dissolved(溶解) instead.

Woolybubs was created by Megan and Jesse Milliken, once a shoe designer in a famous company, who are the parents of three young children. They know firsthand how much waste a family creates. Sure, clothing and shoes can be handed down to younger children but there comes a time when they end up in a landfill(垃圾填埋场). So JesseMilliken and his wife started talking about changing their lives and doing something to help the planet. Therefore, Milliken left the company where he worked. Then he and his wife began to focus on one of the most wasteful parts of the clothing market ——shoes.

The new shoes are actually made of 100 percent silk that is coated with a special form of plastic called PVA that is used in lots of other products. The shoes are made to last long enough to be handed down to a second child. "It took us almost a year to develop this special material," Milliken said. The baby shoes won't dissolve if you handwash them, or if you get caught in the rain; they only decompose if they are boiled for 40 minutes The liquid(液体) that remains after boiling is safe.

Woolybubs also has shoes that are made from other recycled materials. When these shoes wear out, they can be sent back to the company to be recycled. The company decided to continue searching for new ways to make its products greener ."We are always looking for new solutions to reduce the environmental influence on the planet, "Milliken said.

第二部分,阅读,第二节(共5 小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)

How to Stay Awake During School

If you've ever pulled an all-nighter or had a bad night of sleep, you know it's difficult to stay awake in class when you're tired So how to keep yourself awake?   

·Taking part in class

 They are great ways to force yourself to stay awake because they require your mind and your body to work together. To effectively listen to your teacher, you should try to maintain eye contact, face the speaker, and pay close attention. Also, group discussions are a great time to keep yourself awake. Try to sit yourself near people who always volunteer in class and have a lot to say in discussion.

·Keeping your body active

Walk around before or after class  For example, go outside during breaks and get your blood moving to keep your body awake. Besides, you can stretch a little in your chair to help you feel refreshed. You can start by rolling your wrists, shoulders, and neck. After you stop moving, you might feel tired again, but it can help a little bit.

Whether your class is in the morning; afternoon, or evening, eating three regular and balanced meals per day will help you fight tiredness But you should avoid heavy foods right before class as they can make you sleepy. By the way, especially in a class, a bottle of cold water can kick in right when you might start sleeping. Come to class with a bottle of cold water. You'll also get a little energy from the coldness every time you take a drink.

A. Preparing a little bit drinks

B. Staying awake with food and drinks.

C. Here are some creative strategies you can get with

D. Physical activity tells your body it's not time for sleep

E. The food will give you energy and help you stay awake

F. You'll be near people who are more likely to join the class

G. Listen actively to the lesson and discuss with your classmates

第三部分,语言运用,第一节(共15 小题;每小题1分,满分15 分)
第三部分,语言运用,第二节(共10 小题;每小题1.5分,满分15 分)
第四部分,写作,第一节(满分15 分)
第四部分,写作,第二节(满分25 分)

It was the beginning of spring and Lucy was in the backyard with her grandchild, Jack. Jack was playing soccer when Lucy asked, "I'm going to start planting my garden. Do you want to help me?"

"What are you going to plant, Granny?" asked Jack ."I like big, yellow sunflowers."

"I'm going to plant vegetables. That way we can have them to eat when they are ready," Lucy replied.

"How long does that take?" asked Jack. He sometimes liked vegetables, especially carrots.

"It will take a few months before anything is ready to eat, "Lucy answered. Jack was surprised.

"Months? Why would you do all that work and then have to wait so long?" Jack said. "You should just go to the store and buy them."

"Be patient, my dear! Don't you know food always tastes best when you grow it yourself?" Lucy said. "And if you come to help, it won't be too much work."

"I'll help you, Granny, "offered Jack. He put down the soccer and went to look at the gardening tools Lucy had prepared.

Lucy taught Jack how to use a trowel(铲) to dig small rows for the seeds. Then, Lucy showed Jack how to place the seeds into each hole and how to cover the holes with soil. Lastly, Jack wrote the names of the vegetables on sticks that Lucy pushed into the ground. "This way we can remember which vegetable seeds we planted, "Lucy explained.

Once everything was planted, Jack filled the watering can so that Lucy could make the soil nice and wet for the seeds to start to grow.

"Now we just water them a little bit every day, and with time and sunlight, we'll have delicious things to eat in the summer, "Lucy said. They had never been so excited for summer before.

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Whenever Jack came to visit, he would rush into the garden to work.


Finally, Lucy said it was time for the first harvest. 
