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日期: 2024-06-25


Best festival events in San Francisco

The perfect festival event in the Bay Area is waiting for you to celebrate.

Chinese Dumplings(Friday, Feb. 9, 2024, 6: 30 pm-8:30pm)

Tickets: $86+ $6 Fee(General Admission 1)

Location: 152-11 89th Avenue Queens, NY

Discover your passion about Chinese Dumplings in cooking class! Chef Raina will teach traditional shapes and folding techniques to wrap Chinese Dumplings. Receive Additional 15% Discount-Book Direct or Call us Today!

Coffee Festival(Saturday, Feb. 10, 2024)

Tickets: $58+$9.52 Fee

Location: Mason Center Festival Pavilion, 2 Marina Boulevard San Francisco

Get ready for an impressive coffee experience! Enjoy the unique atmosphere! Try the best beans and flavor with a soundtrack provided by live entertainment.

Pet Pictures with a Movie Star(Jan. 27, Feb. 3 & 10, 2024)

Tickets: $20+ $3.18 Fee(1 Pet 1 Picture)

Location: Expert Pet 1649 Ocean Avenue San Francisco

Expert Pet is proud to present a very special event this festival season. A movie star in a fancy dress will be in our shop three days! He shall be here from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Be sure to drop in on time to take your picture with a movie star.

Bone Jour Festival Feast(Sunday, Feb. 11, 2024, 10:30 a.m.-3 p.m.)

Tickets: $39+ $3.39 Fee

Location: Berber, 1516 Broadway San Francisco

Themed for the Spring Festival Season, enjoy an 8-course Chinese traditional feast. Bring your pet dog for our festival feast. Note: get puppy food for only a $10 add-on!



Some chimpanzees(黑猩猩)are much wilder when it comes to making beats, scientists have discovered. In a Ugandan rainforest, the chimps have developed their own drumming(击鼓)styles on tree roots. Researchers observed their drumming styles range from rock to jazz. One chimpanzee brought back the style of the late John Bonham, a drummer who played a piece of music, Whole Lotta Love, and is ranked as one of the best. "The chimpanzee makes very fast drums with many evenly separated beats. His drumming is so fast that you can hardly see his hands." said Catherine, leading scientist of the study.

Drumming with feet and hands with their special calls is used to exchange messages through thick forests, even with miles between them. Ben the Alpha's call was a close two quick beats and a distant third, sometimes fourth.

Catherine also said. "We could often recognize which chimpanzee was drumming, and it was a fantastic way to find the different ones we were looking for. So if we could recognize, we were sure they could."

The team was surprised to note the chimpanzees only used their personalized drumming styles when on the move, showing that the chimpanzees could decide whether to be recognized or not. The research could also settle a problem about why these chimpanzees greet each other when they meet but are not observed to say goodbye when they part in the forest. "The chimpanzees don't need to say goodbye because they're effectively able to keep in touch." Catherine said. These long-distance signals give the chimpanzees a way to recognize with each other.

The researchers' next study will be to explore whether different drumming styles can lead to different drumming cultures among the different chimpanzee populations.



More American businesses are starting to use artificial intelligence(AI)tools to come up with new ideas and to deal with customers. 

Mattel is known for making children's toys. The company recently used an AI image generator (生成器) called DALL-E to come up with ideas for new Hot Wheels toy cars. The used vehicle seller CarMax is using ChatGPT to gather thousands of customer comments. The social media service Snapchat has added a chatbot (聊天机器人) to its messaging service. And Instacart, a delivery service, now uses ChatGPT to answer food questions. Even the Coca-Cola company plans to use AI to help create new marketing content. It has not said exactly how it plans to use the technology. But the move shows that businesses are under pressure to use the tools that many of their employees and customers are already trying on their own.

Some experts warn that businesses should carefully consider possible harms to customers, society, and their own companies before choosing to use AI tools in the workplace. Chaire Leibowicz works at The Partnership on AI, a nonprofit group. The group recently released recommendations for companies producing AI- generated images, audio and other media. "I want people to think deeply before deploying this technology" Leibowicz said. "They should play around. . . but we should also think, what purpose are these tools serving in the first place?"

While text generators like ChatGPT can make the process of writing emails and marketing documents faster and easier, they also appear to present misinformation as fact. And image generators like DALL-E are trained in copying widely available digital art and photography. This has raise copyright(版权)concerns from the creators of those works. 

"It is safer to use AI tools as a ‘thought partner' but still people as the creator of final products," said Anna Gressel. She works at the law company Debevoise & Plimpton, which advises businesses on how to use AI.


How to Choose Extracurricular Activities

From sports to clubs to outside organizations, there are many activities to take part in outside the classroom.  Fortunately, it becomes quite easy once you figure out what you enjoy doing in general. With a little more careful thought, you can also choose an activity that interests you.

Think about your interests and know your advantages. Before you start considering specific(具体的)activities, take a step back. Think about what excites you and find your passions(热情).  Now that you have a better idea of what you like to do in general, decide on those that you are good at. Ask yourself what skills they show. Then find activities that require the same ones. Make sure that you will enjoy yourself by choosing an activity that lets you shine.

 In addition to your interests and advantages, know what you would like to improve about yourself. Use activities as a way to make yourself better. Find out new challenges, without the added stress of having to earn good grades at them. You can use activities to develop general skills that you may not have.

Find out what activities are available(可用的)and look into each one. If the website seems incomplete, talk with your teacher or parents. Also look for calendar details, such as start-and-end dates, plus event schedules, to make sure it won't get in the way of anything else going on in your life. Once you have a list of activities that match your interests, do a little research.

A. Think about skills you want to develop.

B. This can make choosing one a little difficult.

C. Use your freshman year to explore your choices.

D. In this way, you will have a better idea of what to expect.

E. Also make sure that their culture is a good match for your own personality.

F. Use those to decide on activities that will keep you interested for a long time.

G. Search your school's website for a complete list of all the activities it provides.

第三部分  语言运用(共两节,满分30)
第四部分  写作(共两节,满分40)

My brother Joe and I no longer live in the same state, but I make sure to give Joe a call every Christmas. In fact, I will never forget a Christmas when I was seven and Joe was five. I've kept a secret about that Christmas for 20 years. Now hearing Joe's voice makes me feel guilty (内疚的) about it all over again. I think he probably doesn't even remember it.

When we were kids, Joe almost drove me "crazy"! If Mom brought home my favorite yogurt, Joe would make sure to eat it before I got a chance. When our parents gave us each our own basketball, Joe insisted on playing with mine instead of his own.

That Christmas when I was seven, I was determined to teach him a lesson. At that time I was old enough that I no longer believed in Santa, but I knew Joe did. I couldn't stand him thinking Santa had put him on the "nice" list when I knew he'd been naughty (淘气的) all year.

One day before Christmas, I put on my winter jacket and headed over to our neighbor's backyard. It was filled with rocks. To me they really looked like coal (煤炭). I was sure that they'd look like coal to Joe too. I filled a lot of the rocks into the pockets of my winter jacket, brought them up to my room and hid them under my bed. Then I waited.

That morning, I got up early, went downstairs secretly and put the rocks into the red stocking with Joe's name on it. I watched Joe take down his heavy stocking, lay it on the living room floor.


1. 续写词数应为150左右。

2. 请按如下格式在相应位置作答。

Looking at the gift inside, Joe's smile disappeared suddenly.

I said on the phone, "Hey, Joe, do you remember that Christmas morning when you were five …your stocking…"
