组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-06-25
第二部分  阅读理解(共两节,满分40)第一节(15小题;每小题2分,满分30)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的ABCD四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

Ready to Experience Summer?

Are you looking to get your kids signed up for a summer camp program? We're here to help.

ID Tech

ID Tech runs summer camps at over 75 college campus locations across the country. The camp makes the claim to be the top tech camp for 23 years running and offers teens the chance to take part in activities like hands-on STEM leaning and fun to get a preview taste of the college life that may soon be coming their way.

Camp Olympia

Located on Lake Livingston in Trinity Texas on over 100 acres of private land, Camp Olympia has its own swimming pool, challenge course, archery field, and more. Kids aged 6-16 can attend one, two, or three-week camps. Campers can participate in over 45 activities over the course of their stay, whether that be water skiing, horseback riding, golfing, or a team competition.

Camp Chief Ouray

Located on a 5,100-acre YMCA of the Rockies about 1.5h from Denver, this camp first hosted campers in 1908. It's billed as an "adventurous playground and traditional overnight camp for kids age 7—17—with mountains, valleys and streams." Their programs are meant to build campers' confidence, independence, and resilience, while they live in cabins of up to 10 campers and two staff members.

Mountain Adventure Tours

This outdoor adventure camp, located in Ketchum, teaches kids important values and life skills through entertaining activities in the Idaho wilderness. M.A.T. runs several camps per summer and each has an individual theme, along with accompanying age groups. There are five-night sleepaway camp for 13-15-year-olds, plus themed camps like river rafting and survival skills.


Sammie, 14, knows there's nothing worse than feeling left out. For years, she's been helping kids who feel lonely make friends. What she was doing was running the Buddy Bench program. She started it when she was in the third grade, in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The idea was that anyone at school who was feeling lonely could sit on the "buddy bench." The idea quickly caught on. The bench brought kids together. Since then, Sammie has helped communities all over the country set up buddy benches.

Sammie got the idea for the Buddy Bench program at summer camp in 

2017. She thought it would be cool to have a buddy bench in her school, so when she got home, she presented the idea to her principal, her teachers, and her parents.

Getting approval for the project was just the first step. "There have been a lot of small challenges, like money," Sammie says. To reduce costs and be eco-friendly, Sammie decided to make the bench out of recycled material. So she rallied her community to gather bottle caps. Sammie received encouraging responses. With people working together in an orderly way, she soon collected more than 1,200 pounds of bottle caps.

Sammie says the effort has helped her overcome personal challenges. "I used to be really, really shy," she says. "I'm definitely more outgoing now." She has also learned to acknowledge her limits, and to take breaks when working on a big project.

"You don't have to be an adult to make a difference," she says. Even small acts of kindness can be powerful. "It can make someone's day and lead to a chain reaction," she adds. "You never know. Just be kind, in general."


If he is in a tight spot, says Trouble Kalua, people mention his name, asking, "What do you expect?" Shortly before his birth in Malawi, his father had lost his job and income. Then the baby nearly died. "This boy is trouble," his father said. "His name is Trouble."

Across Africa names can have a story behind them. Yewande, for instance, is a Yoruba name meaning "mother has paid me a visit", given when an older female relative dies just before a girl is born. Kiptanui may suggest a difficult birth for mothers in Kenya.

But southern Africa stands out for nominative creativity, at least when it comes to English names. Ask Zimbabweans about their school friends and you will hear such a register: Lovemore, Hopewell, Innocence, Patience, Knowledge, Fortune, Brilliant, God Knows. A Malawian (himself Golden) lists friends named Goodfriday, Wisdom, Iron and BoyBoy.

Names reflect power and oppression. Under apartheid (种族隔离) in South Africa many black people took on English names, some under pressure from bosses too lazy to pronounce their real ones; others to avoid standing out in a system designed to rid black people of their history, dignity and identity. In Zimbabwe children were long given African names with meaning. This practice switched after British colonization, when having an English name was seen as a way of getting ahead.

Names may refer to circumstances around the birth, a quality parents see in the child, an ambition for them — or even for the country. Names, and the language they are in, reflect changing times, too. In Zimbabwe, whose economy is collapsing, one comes across people named No Money. In many places African names are replacing English ones.

Possibly names such as Salad Nthenda will become relics. The Malawian, whose mother ate lots of vegetables when pregnant, says his "name felt good from day one". He loves the "uniqueness". Although he is teased at times, he does not give a toss.


It's an attractive idea: by playing online problem-solving, matching and other games for a few minutes a day, people can improve such mental abilities as reasoning, language skills and memory. But whether these games deliver on those promises is up for debate.

Now, in perhaps the biggest real-world test of these programs, Stojanoski, a cognitive (认知的) neuroscientist at Western University in Ontario, and colleagues tested more than 1,000 people who regularly use brain trainers against around 7,500 people who don't do the mini brain workouts.

The researchers involved 8,563 volunteers globally. Participants filled out an online questionnaire about their training habits, opinions about training benefits and which, if any, program they used. Some 1,009 participants reported using brain training programs for about eight months, on average, though the time length ranged from two weeks to more than five years. Next, the volunteers completed 12 cognitive tests assessing memory, reasoning and language skills. They faced memory exercises, spatial reasoning tasks such as mentally rotating objects and pattern-finding puzzles, and strategy challenges.

When researchers looked at the results, they saw that brain trainers on average had no mental ascendancy over the other group in memory, language skills and reasoning. Even among those who had used training programs for at least 18 months, brain training didn't increase thinking abilities above the level of people who didn't use the programs.

"No matter how we sliced the data, we were unable to find any evidence that brain training was associated with cognitive abilities," says Stojanoski, "brain training may be beneficial in specific situations, but part of our goal was to look at brain training in the real world."

That real world may be the best brain trainer, says Elizabeth Stine, a cognitive aging scientist at the University of Illinois. While it's possible to improve mental abilities, she advocates practicing those skills in different real-life situations. "That's a much better use of one's time than sitting at a computer and doing little tasks."


The student life of late-night partying and studying can make a real impact on your energy levels. Your body and mind can be exhausted.  Fortunately, there are ways to deal with fatigue when you have to study.

Get lots of sleep during the weeks leading up to your exam. When you study, it is important to make sure your body and mind are adequately rested.  Get in bed at a proper hour to make sure you have enough sleep to get you through any upcoming study sessions.

 Many people think that exercising will make them more tired, but the opposite is actually true. Exercising significantly increases your energy levels. Try working out before you have to study to help stay awake.

Take a multivitamin to help you balance any minerals or vitamins.  When your body is not receiving enough vitamins or minerals you might be left feeling worn out. Take some to top up your stores.

Talk with your doctor if you cannot gather the energy and mental focus required to study. If you find yourself tired just reading, you might have an underlying problem like an iron shortage, lack of vitamin B12 or even a condition known as mononucleosis, which causes extreme exhaustion. 

If all these don't work, how about drinking a coffee or Red Bull?

A. You'd better avoid going out late.

B. Protect yourself from over-exercise.

C. Exercise to get your energy levels up.

D. You might be lacking them in your system.

E. It can be very hard to focus on your studies.

F. Maybe you've got minerals or vitamins more than enough.

G. Talk with professionals to get to the root of your problems.

第三部分  语言知识运用(共两节,满分45)第一节(20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30)

Nothing seemed to be going well. We were 1 in rush-hour traffic. My 3-year-old son was singing along with Phil Collins from his seat. But I was not in the 2 to sing. My manager had just told me that, despite my 3 performance, he did not foresee giving me more responsibilities in the near future. The message really 4 me.

His decision planted a seed of5 . But I reminded myself that I'd already6 I could be, as a working mother, an7 scientist on a tight schedule. The past7years had witnessed, as a part-time university8 , I'd made full use of every minute and won all my colleagues' respect. My work never9 the research team.

With little expectation, I10 the three senior managers. One did not respond. One had nothing to offer. The third invited me to chat. He11 listened to my story, and then told me I was12 to join him in building a vaccine research unit. I answered in13 that I knew nothing about vaccines. He said, "You will learn. You will make it."

A few 14 nights later, I decided to take a chance on the 15 . The worst thing to happen was that I would fail. But I already felt like a failure, so why not 16 ?

I soon discovered a new passion. My career path with the unit17 . I took on more18 , developed new skills, and led fantastic projects-all because of a19 that I'd felt forced on me. It20 me out of my comfort zone and further than I was willing to go.

第四部分  写作(共两节,满分35)第一节  短文改错(10小题;每小题1分,满分10)
第二节  书面表达(满分25)