组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库
阅读下面短文, 从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。

    For years I went to school by bus. The first time on the bus. I saw different faces. I greeted them and cold faces 1 smiling faces. As the days went on, we talked like old friends.

    But it was a pity(遗憾) that I was 2 to set up the same friendship with a quiet girl in the front of the bus. 3 old clothes showed that she didn't have much money. She always took a cup of water for the driver. I guessed she was a 4 girl. But why didn't she talk with us? Why did she never reply to our friendly greetings?

    Then, one evening, I got the 5. I walked to the park near my home and found the girl sitting alone under a tree. I greeted her 6 the same warm smile that I had shown to her all these months. To my surprise, this time she 7 back. As soon as she began her first word, I 8 why she hadn't spoken to us before. Talking was hard for her.

    She told me. "I 9 speak very well. Most of the time. I have trouble expressing myself. I have no friends. But you always smile at me, so I 10 want to smile." That evening, we talked a lot.
