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    Teddy bears are one of the most popular toys all over the world. The first teddy bear came from a(n) 1 about America's 26th president, Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt.

    President Roosevelt was a great hunter (猎手). One day, he traveled in Mississippi. Some people took him to go 2. Things were not going well and President Roosevelt hunted 3. Someone had an idea. He caught a bear and tied it to the tree for President Roosevelt to 4. The bear looked very 5 and tired, so Roosevelt refused to shoot it.

    The next day, a cartoon artist drew a picture about the scene. The Washington Post published the picture 6 November 16, 1902. Most Americans 7 the newspaper and knew the story, including Morris and Rose. Morris and Rose had a toy store and they decided to make a toy bear to 8 the president's actions. They called 9 "Teddy Bear". It 10 sweet and harmless (无恶意的). It became popular soon.
