组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Angelo Casimiro made something new at the age of fifteen.

    Casimiro made a device(装置). It can charge(给……充电)your cellphone as you walk! When you run, jump or walk, a pair of discs(唱片)inside the shoes can produce electricity. It can be used to charge your phone or any other devices with a USB port!

    People have to move a lot if they use the device to charge. Those who like travelling in the wild will love it. It takes about eight hours' jogging to charge a lithium-ion(锂离子)battery and two hours' playing basketball will only give the cellphone about 10 minutes' charge.

    A device called SolePower is a kind of insole(鞋垫)that can produce electricity. SolePower is like Casimiro's device, but it can fully charge a cellphone after over a four-kilometre walk. So there's a lot for Casimiro to do to make his invention(发明)better.

    Anyway, Casimiro's device is quite good. After all, his invention started something new, right?
