组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

The most interesting festivals around the world


Introduction  1

Baby Crying Day  2

Cheese-rolling Festival  4

Color Throwing Festival    5

Fish Swallowing Festival    8

International Pillow Fight Day   11

Intemational Twins Festival   13

Raincoat Festival  15

Roswell UFO Festival   16 Tomato Festival  18

Water Fighting Day  19

Wife Carrying Festival   20

World Body painting Festival   22

International Pillow(枕头) Fight Day

    International Pillow Fight Day is held every April around the world-- from Amsterdam, Budapest, to New York.  It has been celebrated since 2008. Hundreds of people go out with their pillows hitting each other's face back and chest.  People dress up as superheroes and animals, laughing and fighting.

    The festival used to be a game to release(释放) energy and stress. Nowadays besides bringing fun, International Pillow Fight Day has become a way to quickly collect pillows for the homeless. In 2014, about 2,000 pillows were collected for the poor in Bronx and Brooklyn.

     Rules: Bring your own pillows and don't hit anyone without a pillow or with a camera.

     The Guinness World Record: The latest record of the largest pillow fight was set on October 27, 2013 in Chicago, with 4,500 pillows and 3,813 people.
