组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    The weekend comes again. Grace is  (shop)with her mother. She wants her mother  (buy)a new coat for her.

    In a clothes shop, she finds an orange coat. That's her favourite colour. She tries it   .but it is too small. She wants a larger one  the larger one is not orange. Grace doesn't like other colours. Her mother says, "Let's  (go)to another shop to have a look. "Then they go out and come into the next one.

    This shop is very big and there  many kinds of coats. Grace likes an orange one and asks, "How much  it?"

    "538 yuan," answers the shop assistant.

    Grace's mother  (say)it is too expensive and she doesn't have so much money  her.

    "Would you like this orange  (one)? It's only 210 yuan, "says the shop assistant.

    "Oh, it looks good. Do you think so, Grace?"

    "Yes. Let's take it. "Grace's mother pays for it.
