组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Tommy is a 15-year-old boy who is poor but smart. Three years ago, his parents left him  (永远) in a car accident because their heads and necks were badly hurt and they lost too much blood. The boy was very sad because of his parents'  (死) and he had to live  (独自一人).

    But one thing  (改变) his life. One day, he found a wallet on the street  (当……的时候) he was walking. Bill didn't put it into his own bag.  (代替), he returned it to its owner, Mr. Black. And Mr Black thanked him by  (主动提供) him a job in his toy factory. Bill was  (兴奋的) about the job. So he made a  (决定)to work hard there. (无论什么) he did, he always tried his best. Two years later, he got a chance to take toy designing lessons.
