组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    People all over the world eat eggs. Most of the eggs we eat come from hens. Eggs are easy to cook. They can be cooked in lots of ways such as fried or hard-boiled. Eggs can be used with other things to make cakes and ice-cream.

The fresh test

Put your egg in a pan of water and use the guide below to find out how old your egg is.

  What happens to the egg

Age of the egg

  Sinks(下沉)to the bottom of the pan and stays there

  Sinks, but floats at an angle(角度)

  Sinks, and then stands on end

  Floats on top or just under the surface

3-6 days old


Just over 1 week old

About 2 weeks old

Over 2 weeks old

Eggs last a long time. You can keep them for about four weeks in your fridge.
