组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

A. Interview with Andy Griffiths

    Andy Griffiths is well known as a writer of children's books. Here are some interesting things, you might not know about him!

    What do you like to do after a long day of writing?

    I go for long runs and bike rides beside the beach. An hour of exercise after a long day of writing gives me energy. Then I'm ready to write some more.

    Do you write using a computer or by hand?

At first I write the stories by hand, and then I transfer(转录)them onto a computer. I like to write by hand when I travel. I find it very easy to lose myself in my diary when I am away from my usual activities.

    What super power would you like to have?

    X-ray vision(影像)if I can control it.

    What is your favourite food?

    Fro never happier than when I'm drinking banana milkshakes. And I love fish. But I don't like drinking fish milkshakes - they are just terrible!

    What is your favourite book?

Alice in Wonderland. It has so many surprises and such silliness in it.

    Do you write for adults too?

    Only if I really have to. T much prefer the freedom and fun of writing for children.

    What do you say to kids who say, "Why should I read?"

As Dr. Seuss says. "The more you read, the more things you will know. The more you learn, the more places you'll go."
