组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

to my surprise,   dress,   he,   second,   make,   neighbor,   beauty,   wind

    It was early morning. I got quickly. It was still autumn but colder than usual. It snowed for days. I forgot to check the weather report today, so I went out in a jacket.

    It was still dark, cold and . At that time, I knew I  a wrong decision. I shook a little bit. Suddenly, a car stopped and one of my got out of it. We greeted each other and talked about the bad weather., he took off his coat and handed it to me. He smiled and said, "It's too cold. Put it on." Looking at the warm coat in my hands, I was touched and thanked. After that, he drove away. When I looked up at the sky, I noticed the sky was  and peaceful. I felt warmth inside me and I didn't shake any more.

    The world is full of kindness. Love is always there.
