组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Remember when you were a little child trying to learn to walk?

    First, you had to learn how to balance (平衡) yourself and stand. You fell down, and then got back up. You laughed sometimes and cried at other times. After much practice, you finally learned how to balance yourself. You got much pleasure from this new feeling of power—you'd stand everywhere you could. It was a happy time—you did it!

    Now the next step—walking. You'd seen others do it. It didn't look that hard—just move your legs while you were standing. Wrong—more difficult than you ever imagined. But after you tried again and again and again, you understood how to walk.

    If people found you walking, they cheered, "Oh, look at what the kid is doing." This encouraged you! But look back on those days when you were the little child—how many times did you try when no one was watching, or when no one was cheering? You couldn't wait for someone to encourage you to take the next steps. You learned how to encourage yourself.

    So, keep trying and encouraging yourself as you learned to walk if you want to succeed in doing something.
