组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    The first floating (漂浮的) city will be in French Polynesia. That's an island in the South Pacific Ocean. Builders hope to finish much of it by 2020.

    This floating city will be near French Polynesia's shore. Its people will live by the laws of French Polynesia. Other floating cities might be built in the open ocean. These cities could create their own laws.

    The first floating city will be environmentally friendly. Its energy will be from the sun. People will drink recycled rain and seawater.

    Floating cities will be safe from flooding. Built on platforms (平台), they will rise with the sea level. They could be moved, if needed. They would allow more people to live near the ocean. At the beginning, the first floating city will be the same size as a soccer field. Gradually, it will grow into a much larger city with homes, parks, schools, shops and restaurants in it. Would you like to live in a floating city?
