组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    The best way to teach your children to live a green lifestyle is to live that green lifestyle yourself. When kids see you picking up rubbish from the park, they see value(价值)in keeping public places clean Use these tips to introduce your children to green living:

    Use public transport. Use the car only when necessary; at other times, take trains and buses with your children.

    Ask for their help. Younger children often love grown-up activities. So have them carry a small bag of food waste to the bin, or let them help separate(分开)your recycling. Older children may want to take part in the activities like cleaning up the neighbourhood and organizing the daily recycling If they're not very interested, make environment-friendly activities a family-time priority (优先事项)

    _________________________ Petting farms for younger kids may help prevent(防止)farm animals from becoming something that they see only in books or on television. Many people believe that wild animals shouldn't be kept in any kind of zoos, but they do offer a valuable educational and conservation(保护)lesson. So if you want to visit a zoo, find a zoo that provides its animals with as natural an environment as possible
