组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Music Lover Wanted

    Are you a lover of music? Can you sing well? Can you play the guitar? Join our Sunshine Rock Band. Please call Mike at 487-6598 or e-mail us at sunshine @ yahoo. com.

Hot Club

    Do you like to play table tennis? Do you want to play it well? Mr. King Is a good teacher. You can come here every Saturday afternoon from 2: 30 to 5: 30

    Telephone: 219-8364

    Address: Room 15, Lantian Hotel

Swimmer Wanted

    Can you swim? Do you like children? Can you teach them to swim on Sunday? Come and. join us. Call Joe at 472-9999 for more information

Summer Job

    Do you like to talk with people? Do you write stories? Would you like to work for a magazine? Then come and work as a reporter. Please call Karen at 561-8823.
