组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    An old man had a box in his room. He never let anyone touch it. A couple worked for him.

    One day, the old man wanted go out and before he left, he said to them, "I will be away for few days. Look after my box don't open.

    The man's wife was always in his box. The next day she said to her husband. "There must be something expensive in the box. Let's open it, shall we? "Her husband disagreed but the woman didn't give. One day, the woman couldn't opening the box and looked inside to her , there was nothing inside. She tried hard to close the box, but she couldn't.

    That evening, the old man came back. he found that the box was open, he was so angry

    The couple regretted (后悔)doing that and said sorry, but it was late. The old man told them to leave his home at once. "But we didn't take anything at , "the wife said. The old man shouted.

    "The box is not important. Now I know I can't believe you. That's the most important!"
