组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    When I was a twelve-year-old newspaper boy, an old lady who was my customer lived near my house. I 1 her name. On a winter afternoon, I was playing with my friend near the old lady's backyard. I found a2 smooth rock and threw it out, but the stone 3 a small window of her house. Unluckily, I saw the old lady standing behind the window. We knew we were 4, and ran away quickly. We were scared about that we would 5 and didn't worry about the old lady with the broken window in winter. The next morning, she was 6 greeting me with a smile when I gave her the newspaper. I made up my mind 7 my money to correct my mistake. After three weeks, I had seven dollars. I put the money in an envelope with a note explaining everything and/ hoped that the seven dollars would cover the 8 for repairing the window. I waited until it was dark, and put the letter in her door. The next day, I 9 the old lady her newspaper and she thanked me for it as usual and gave me a bag of cookies. After eating several cookies, I found an envelope and pulled it out. When I opened it, I was surprised. Inside were the seven dollars and a short note that said, "I'm proud of you." I smiled in relief. However, I 10 the lesson about forgiveness she taught me.
