组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Years ago, I celebrated my 40th birthday with friends in a 1 restaurant. Many arrived earlier and waited outside the restaurant, as I was on the roadside, a homeless man came near to me and 2money. I let him know I didn't have any cash (现金)with me. With a quiet smile on his face, he moved on.

    Just then a friend arrived and called out, "Happy Birthday!" Hearing this, the man turned and asked, "Hey, man, it's your birthday?""Yes, "I said. He walked 3, smiled and said, "Happy Birthday!" I was not 4 ready for what happened next. He took out a dollar from his dirty bag, and gave it to me, saying, "Here man, take this. Happy Birthday! "That's 5. I expected he was making a joke!

    Although I 6 deeply by his generosity (慷慨), accepting money from a homeless man was embarrassing for me. I felt very uncomfortable. 7I replied, "Thanks, but…"Looking directly into my eyes, he said, "God, so good to me Every night, I always end up with a place to sleep and enough food to eat. Please take this. "I held out my hand-8 thinking twice, saying," thank you"

    This was one of my9 life lessons— however poor we may feel, we always have something valuable to share with others. From then on I often helped people in need and treated everyone with kindness and 10, spreading love and joy everywhere I went.
