组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Dubai (迪拜) is a good place to travel to. There, you can find many tall buildings, taste lots of delicious food and experience some interesting things. Have you ever been to this city? If you go to Dubai during the summer holiday, you may see a special kind of "taxi". It is a drone (无人机). It flies in the sky by itself! It is said that Dubai plans to use Chinese—made droes as a self —flying air taxi in July.

    The drone taxi is named EHang 184. A Chinese company(公司)made it. The city of Dubai will start using it in July. It will be the world's first passenger drone, according to Yahoo News.

    The drone taxi can fly up to 3, 500 meters high. It can fly at a top speed of 160 kilometers an hour. It can only take one person.

    How do you call an EHang1842 You use its app(应用程序) on your phone. When the drone comes, you choose the place you want to go to on a touch screen. There is no pilot in the drone. But some people on the ground will be watching it. They will make sure your trip is safe. You don't have to worry about it.

    EHang 184's battery(电池) can only keep about 30 minutes, So it cannot take you further than 50 kilometers.

    Would you like to take a trip in this flying drone? Don't wait. Let's go!
