组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    A forest is an area of land with many trees. Many animals need forests to live in, Forests are very important and they are common all over the world. People cut down many forests to build houses because the number of people becomes larger and larger. People cut down the forests, which is harmful to the animals. People even build roads to pass through the forests so that they can get to the place they want to get to in a fast way. People damage the forests to build towns, cities, farms, factories and other things.

    Forests usually have an average temperature (平均温度) of 4℃ to 10℃. The low temperature is from-10℃ to-6℃. The high temperature is from 20℃ to 27℃. There is lots of rain in the forests, so many animals live in the pools on the ground. People use trees in the forests to make furniture (家具), toys, pencils, etc.
