组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Australia is not hot all year round. Remember the seasons are different between China and Australia. This means:

    ●If it's summer in China, it's winter in Australia

    ●If it's autumn in China, it's spring in Australia.

    ●If it's winter in China, it's summer in Australia.

    ●If it's spring in China, it's autumn in Australia.

    So the hottest months in Australia are December, January and February. In these months, you may want to go to the southern countries toescapethe hot weather. The coldest months are June, July and August—a perfect time to visit here. When the wet season runs in many of the northern countries from November to April, Townsville (汤斯维尔) in Australia also has a wet season. But it is shorter, usually from December to the end of March. From June to August, the capitals in the southern part of the world usually receive their heaviest rainfall (降雨量).

    Plan your journey well before you visit Australia.
