组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    House fires often happened. So it appears necessary to learn something useful to protect family from them. The following poster in the neighborhood will tell you how to do it.

Fire Safety

    Put a smoke alarm in your house and test it every month. Half of all house fire deaths happen between 11 pm and 7 am. The risk of dying in a house fire is cut in half with working smoke alarms.

    Make sure your hearing aid, wheelchair or eyeglasses are next to your bed. Fire can spread through a house soon. You may have as little as two minutes to escape (逃离) safely. Be ready to act at once.

    Create a fire escape plan. 77% of families don't have a house fire escape plan to follow. That's one of the reasons why at least one child dies and 293 children are injured in a house fire every day.

    Don't call 119 until you are safely outside. During a fire, the first thing to do is to get out of house as fast as you can.
