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    Laura and her brother John were shopping. They saw this sign(标识) :

Bananas 5 kilos for $3.00.Buy some and enjoy their delicious flavour (滋味) ! Looking at it, Laura laughed.

    "What's funny?" asked John.

    "They didn't spell' flavor' right. 'said Laura.

    "No. They used British English, 'said John." Both of them are right.'

    "What do you mean?" asked Laura.

    "American and British English are different, 'said John.

    "What are the differences?" asked Laura.

    "One big difference between American and British English is the word. For example, pants are called trousers by the British.'

    "How different! "said Laura.

    "British people also speak with a different pronunciation from American people. Some words are also spelled differently by the British. They put 'o' and "u' together in some words like colour, favourite, and flavour, "said John

    "But which one is right? "asked Laura.

    "Both two kinds of English are correct. Smart people always remember this," said John.

    "How do you know so much about English?" asked Laura.

    "Haha, you know I'm a reporter. I went to many countries and met many interesting people and things," said John.




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