组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Weekly Round—up

①The number of Chinese studying abroad grew at a slower rate(比率) in 2018, as more students have come to realize that studying abroad does not guarantee (保证) a well-paid job in foreign countries. About 78 percent of Chinese students abroad plan to work in China either right after graduation or after working abroad for a while.

①Tours that provide a window on wildlife without harming the animals are a welcome development for Chinese animal—lovers, a recent survey found. About 60 percent of interviewees said that they would refuse to take part in tours that might badly influence the normal Life of animals in the wild or be harmful to wildlife.

②A survey by American Councils for International Education, showed that there were 227,086 Chinese learners across the formal US education system, making Chinese the third most popular language being studied.

②Passengers found eating or drinking on the Beijing subway who do not stop when they are asked will face having their actions noted on their social credit(信用) score according to Beijing Municipal Commission of Transport.
