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    Holland(荷兰)is the magical land of tulips(郁金香) and windmills(风车). The tulips bloom(开花) from March until May. Holland is famous as the largest flower selling country in the world. The windmills, however, are important for the people of Holland.


    Keukenhof is the most famous and largest flower park in the world. Will you visit Holland in spring? Then be sure to visit Keukenhof, you will see the beautiful Holland tulips and other famous flowers in Holland.

    Single Bloemenmarket

    Rain or shine, this famous floating(漂浮的)flowers market in Amsterdam is filled with colorful fresh flowers from Monday to Sunday. Though the best months are in March, April or May, the floating flowers market is a great place to find tulips at any time of the year.


    Schiedam is the best choice if you want to see the largest windmills in the world. With heights up to 33 meters, they are hard to miss.

    Zaanse Schans

    Zannse Schans is also a good place you should visit. About 250 years ago, over 600 windmills formed the first industrial area in the world. It produces paint, paper and so on. Today it's an open﹣air conservation area(自然保护区) and museum, which interests thousands of visitors each year.
