组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    In some western countries, a gap year(空档年)is regarded as a special celebration for teenagers. They think it is a necessary process for teens to develop into adults. Then what's a gap year?It's a short break from study for a year or less. It's normally between high school and university. During the gap year, the students usually take a break from their school education to travel, volunteer, study or work.

    There are some reasons why students might want to take a gap year. They usually think it is a chance to get professional or personal experience. Some common reasons to take a gap year include:

    ★Open their eyes.

    ★Make international friends.

    ★Make some money.

    ★Get useful work experience and key skills.

    Although teenagers can benefit from(从……获益)the gap year activities, there are many disadvantages. The parents are worried. Here are the reasons why parents disagree with the idea of taking a gap year.

    ★It may cost a lot of money to organize.

    ★They may get hurt or sick during the travels.

    ★They may simply find that they didn't get the experience they were hoping for.

    A gap year is a new experience for not only teenagers but also people who were born in the 1960s. Maybe it's really a good chance for them to experience the retirement(退休生活)in advance(提前).
