组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

A: Excuse me, do you know where the Dazhou Museum is?

B: Sure,

A: Could you tell me how to go there?

B: Certainly. Go along this street and tum right at the third turning. Then walk until you see the building of Dazhou TV station

A: Oh, you mean it's across from the building of Dazhou TV station?

B: Exactly.


B: Two kilometers.


B: No. You'd better take a taxi. It's fast and convenient.

A: Great! Oh, and one more thing. What time does the museum close?

B: You'd better ask for the detailed information in the museum.

A: Thank you very much.

B: You're welcome.

A. Can I walk there?

B. How far is it from here?

C. It's next to the building of Dazhou TV station.

D. It's on Jinlong Road.

E. It's opposite the building of Dazhou TV station.

F. Perhaps at 8 p.m.

G. How can I get there?
