组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    As the fifth of seven children, I went to the same public school as my three elder sisters and brother. Every year, each child from the third grade took part in an old school tradition—the plant sale held in early May, just before Mother's Day.

    That year I was old enough to take part in it. I wanted to surprise my mother, but I didn't have any money. I told my elder sister about it and she gave me some money. When I arrived at the plant sale, I carefully chose my favorite. I watched each plant seriously to make sure that I could find the best geranium(天竺葵). After school, with the help of my sister I bid it on the neighbor's porch(门廊). On Mother's Day, I remember how bright my mother's eyes were and howelatedshe was at my gift.

    The year I was fifteen, my younger sister reached the third, grade. She told me that, she wanted to surprise our mother. Like my elder sister did for me, I gave her some money. And she bought the same gift and we hid it in the same place. When she gave the gift to my mother, I watched them full of pride and happiness. My mother noticed me watching and gave me a soft and secret smile. With a shock at my heart, I smiled back.

    I wonder how my mother could pretend (假装) to be surprised at the same sixth child, but as I watched her eyes, I knew she was not pretending.
