组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Do you like sports? All over the world people enjoy sports. Sports can help people to keep healthy, happy and to live1. What sports do you like? People often2different games in winter and summer. Summer is good3swimming. And in winter people often go skating. Some sports are very popular around the world4basketball, football and running. Do you often run? Are you good at it? Here is a funny story about running!

    Peter and Mike are in the5class. Peter was born in a poor family. But Mike's father is a shopkeeper and is6. When Peter gets into trouble, Mike always7him. Peter likes to have sports. And he is good at running. 8can catch up with him in his school and he often wins the 400-meter race.

    It was Sunday. Mike and Peter went to a forest to have a picnic, Mike took a lot of9there. They ate and drank and then began to go fishing in the river. The two boys enjoyed themselves there. Suddenly they10a great noise. They looked around and found it was11behind a big tree. They were both very12. Peter put on his shoes13and was going to run away. Mike14him and said, "It's no use for us. The tiger runs15than us. Let's find a way." "It doesn't matter," said Peter, "I'm sure I'll run faster than you!"

    Don't you think you should learn to run fast?
