组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    One morning, a hungry fox (狐狸) sees a chicken. He thinks, "Great! This is my breakfast." He comes up to the chicken and says, "Good morning, Miss Chicken. I hear you can sing very well. Can you sing a song for me?" The chicken is happy to hear that. She closes her eyes and begins to sing. The fox sees that and catches her in his mouth and takes her away. The farmers on the farm see the fox. Theyshout, "Look! Look! The fox is taking the chicken away." The chicken says to the fox, "Mr Fox, can you hear? The people say you are taking their chicken away. Tell them I am yours, not theirs." The fox opens his mouth and says, "Miss Chicken is mine, not yours." Just then the chicken runs away from the fox and flies into the tree.
