组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

 Once upon a time there was a boy who liked drawing, but he was too poor to buy a brush. One night he said to himself,"If only I had a brush, I could draw pictures for the poor people in my village."

 Suddenly an old man with a long white beard(胡须)appeared. He said, "Here is a brush for you. But you must only draw prictures for poor people with it."

 Ma Liang began to draw a hen, and as he did so, it changed into a real hen. "Wow!"he said, "this brush must be magic!" Then he drew an axe(斧头) for a poor woman and it changed into a real one.

Soon the king heard about Ma Liang's magic brush. He asked Ma Liang to draw him a tree with gold coins hanging on it, but Ma Liang refused. The king was so angry that he threw Ma Liang in prison(监牢)."If I had a key, I could unlock the door,"Ma Liang said. So he drew a key and it changed into a real key. He opened the door quietly and escaped(逃跑). When the king got on his horse and chased him with his guards, Ma Liang drew a horse and it changed into a real horse. He rode the horse and ran away.

 Judge the following sentences true(T) or false (F) according to what you read.
