组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Have you seen some machines that eat used plastic bottles and give some coins to the users?

    Recently, such machines have appeared at universities in Chongqing. They can turn rubbish into treasure and encourage the public to recycle rubbish. The machine is as large as a fridge. Users put an empty bottle in the machine, and it is identified (识别) by a small camera. Then it is put into a bin. The users can get some coins.

    When the machine is filled with bottles, it will tell the company head office. Nearby stations will send workers to have bottles collected, packed and sent to the company.

    The bottle recycling machines could greatly encourage the public to recycle rubbish and save natural resources (资源). Now the machine only eats plastic bottles. At sometime in the future it will also cover others such as glass bottles. It will be able to turn more rubbish into treasure and save more natural resources.

    People can also see similar machines in Shanghai. In the future, more machines will appear at some large stations, bus stops, neighborhoods and schools.
